Chocolate Pie & Rendang Pie by McDonald’s: Take Your Pick!

Let’s face it: half the time we visit McDonald’s isn’t even to sample their burgers or chicken. We’re actually there for their other options such as ice-cream and pies, because who can resist dessert?! (Not me, that’s for sure!) If you’re currently residing in Malaysia or Singapore, you’re in luck, for there are more pies to enjoy in the form of rendang and chocolate!

Malaysia’s Rendang Pie

Okay, so we didn’t know we needed this pie till it was available. Usually, rendang is eaten with nasi lemak, but now we’re glad for an excuse to eat it on its own! With “chunks of chicken and fragrant rendang”, this savoury pie is irresistible. Plus, instead of McD’s usual crust, the rendang pie’s crust resembles a curry puff’s crust as well. Definitely interesting! It was just introduced not long ago, so be sure to get your hands on it lest it sells out (too) soon!

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Singapore’s Chocolate Pie

Across the border, McD Singapore is bringing back their chocolate pie, which was all the rage when it was introduced last year around March. Can you believe that it sold out in about a week? After that, McD said that the pie wouldn’t be back any time soon, leaving fans of the pie devastated. Available 22nd February 2019 onwards, McD certainly knew how to make us wait – for about a year! Well, all you chocolate pie-lovers know what to do: get your hands on this pie before it’s gone again!

A softie at heart
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For those who frequently commute between Malaysia and Singapore, I guess you get the best of both worlds with the rendang pie and chocolate pie. For Malaysians who can’t travel across, don’t worry, we also have the salted caramel and chocolate pie available here. On the other hand, Singaporeans currently do not have anything resembling a rendang pie, though there are rumours of new items as well… Have you guys managed to try the pies yet? If yes, comment down below on what you love about the pies!