8 Ways To Get Paid To Travel The World

It’s true that travelling has become a norm these days. But no matter how easy and convenient it is to travel in today’s era, you still need to set a certain amount of budget at your disposal. Fortunately, you can actually get to travel for free and receive pay at the same time. Of course, it won’t be a walk in the park since it requires hard work and you need to possess certain qualifications as well. That said, here are the 8 ways to get paid to travel the world.

1) Become A Travel Blogger

First things first, blogging requires a lot of passion and hard work. Like lots of them with a capital “L”. Lifestyle, movie, music, fashion… it doesn’t matter what kind of niche you end up choosing. The same also goes with travel blogging. It might take months or even years to gain steady traffic if you do it right. If your travel blog is successful enough, people will begin to take notice. And by people, we mean travel or related agencies/companies might be interested to collaborate with you. You may get invited for an all-expense trip to promote, say, their hotel or resort regardless of locally or abroad. Here are some of the successful local travel bloggers you might want to check them out.

Image Credit: southeastasiabackpacker.com

2) Become A Social Media Influencer

A social media influencer refers to a person who has established his/her credibility on social media in a niche industry. A social media influencer has a large number of followers regardless of Instagram, YouTube or Facebook platform. They usually earn money by collaborating with brands, companies and/or agencies. It can be anything from posting a related Instagram photo to making a travelogue and promoting certain content.

Image Credit: thedrum.com

3) Become A Flight Attendant

This is one of the dream jobs where you are able to travel around the world and get paid at the same time. Not to mention you get to meet different people and enjoy perks such as staff discount on flight tickets and international medical insurance coverage. But like any other job, you need certain skills and other criteria to qualify as a flight attendant. For instance, you have to be at least 18 years old and 157cm (5′ 1.5”) tall. Decent physique and excellent health condition equally matters, while your least educational qualification you should possess is hospitality management.

Image Credit: asiamiles.com

4) Work On A Cruise Ship

From being a deck crew to a bartender, working on a cruise ship allows you to travel around the world and get to see new places. You will also enjoy perks and benefits like discounted cruise vacation for your family & friends as well as free medical insurance. But like any other job, there’s always some disadvantages to it. This includes the likes of working long hours and only getting a few days off. And if you are married or have your own children, you might want to think twice accepting a job on a cruise ship. This is especially true since most cruise lines require their crew member to work on a contract basis for at least four months.

Image Credit: gapyear.com

5) Get A Job As A Scuba Diving Instructor

Sure, it may cost you a lot of money learning to scuba dive and obtaining certifications. It also takes a lot of hard work and a huge responsibility that comes with the job. But if you are able to pass the test successfully and becomes a certified scuba diving instructor, it can be a rewarding career. Not only you get paid to travel the world, but also able to dive underwater across different parts of oceans.

Image Credit: goprocaribbean.com

6) Work As A Tour Guide

A tour guide’s job basically requires the person to supply travellers/tourists with all the information they need to know about the visiting location(s). That means a tour guide has to be astute and knowledgeable enough. He/She also needs to ensure that their journey is smooth and well-organised. Becoming a tour guide means you get to travel to new and interesting places around the world. You can choose to work as a freelancer or make a career out of it as a full-timer. Of course, being a tour guide is not for everyone. You need to stay friendly and professional the whole time. And if you happen to be an introvert, you can forget about taking this job.

Image Credit: tourguidecourse.com

7) Taking Up a Job As An English Teacher

Love teaching? Then, you might want to consider teaching English in foreign countries such as Asia, Latin America and the Middle East. This also gives you an opportunity to explore different parts of the world. But keep in mind that certain requirements are needed to qualify for the job. This includes possessing a bachelor’s degree as well as TEFL, TESOL or CELTA certification.

Image Credit: premiertefl.com

8) Other Jobs That Allow You To Travel

The truth is, there are plenty more to list down different ways you can earn money while travelling. Among them are taking up a job as an au pair, which basically requires you to take care of the children for a certain period of time. It’s like working as an international nanny where you live with the host family in exchange for pocket money as well as free food and lodging. You can also consider becoming a freelance photographer (e.g. destination wedding photographer) or getting a seasonal job abroad. The latter is particularly one of the most popular choices since many tourist destinations require an extra pair of hands during peak season. This includes well-known countries like Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland and Thailand.

Image Credit: miss-governess.com
