8 Tips for First-Time Parents, as Shared by Other Parents

Being a new parent is undoubtedly exciting as you quite literally welcome a new life, but it can be a pretty daunting task as well. Babies require so much care, effort, and attention, not to mention the adjustment you have to go through as parents. While there are plenty of valuable resources out there, we spoke to a couple of parents ourselves, and got them to share some tips for all the first-time parents out there. Having been through it themselves, they know, and hopefully these tips they share will help you through this transition. Also, congratulations on your baby!

1) Basic is Good

The maternity/baby business is a lucrative one, because understandably, new parents would want the best for their babies, so there are a plethora of products available. However, just because a product exists and claims to be high-tech or advanced doesn’t mean that it would be actually be useful to you. Each parent/baby differs, so sticking to the basics i.e. things you know for sure you’ll need like diapers, a crib (or cot, bassinet, cradle etc.), a baby monitor, bottles, formula or breast pumps (depending on whether you plan to breastfeed) is good enough. Getting overly excited with “canggih” products will cost you precious money, and you might end up finding it unhelpful. As you go along, if you find that you do in fact need certain items, it won’t be too late to pick them up then!

2) Bring in the Support

This is especially for the moms. We mean, moms, you’ve just given birth to a baby, a human being, so don’t try to do everything on your own. Whether it’s your spouse, a confinement lady/centre, your parents/parents-in-law, (or all of them or other people) make sure there’s a support system in place for you as you go through the (immediate) days after your delivery. A little help can go a long way and help you recover both physically and mentally, so we’re not saying draw up a military plan for who does what down to the minute, but have some help around.

3) Research Your Gynae and Hospital

We’re sure you already know, but having a baby is a huge thing, so you’ll want to have a gynaecologist whom you’re comfortable with and trust fully and can have open conversations with. Someone you can *vibe* with can make all the difference throughout your pregnancy, and don’t forget the your delivery place as well. Hospitals differ in their plans/packages for delivery, and you should also take into consideration the distance of the hospital from your residence too. With someone you trust and a place you’re comfortable with, there’s two less things to worry about.

4) Rest Up

You’ll need all your strength to deliver, and that’s just the beginning. After that, pretty much all your time and energy will be devoted to your little one, so take some time for yourself, and ensure that you’re sleeping well. You won’t get much sleep when the baby arrives, so enjoy the sleep while you can. A veteran parent also shared: “Sleep when your baby sleeps.” Wise words indeed.

5) Welcome Hand-Me-Downs

Having a baby is expensive business, as you’ve got to feed, clothe, and when the baby grows up, send him/her for education… there are many things to spend on when you’re raising a baby, so accepting hand-me-downs is a great way to help you save some much-needed $$$. From clothes to toys and books to accessories, that are a great many things that can be used secondhand, so don’t turn your nose up at them, but welcome them instead.

6) Go for Antenatal Classes

As a first-time parent, you’re basically going into it blind, and you’d want all the guidance you can get. Antenatal classes are also called birth and parenting classes,  and they help new parents get ready for birth and labour, breastfeeding, and caring for a newborn among other related things. It’s an absolute necessity in our opinion because um, how does one exactly bathe a newborn, or to swaddle, or to pick up on what behaviours mean in a newborn? There could be different types of antenatal classes available depending on what you’re looking for i.e. breastfeeding or not, relaxation techniques, birth positions etc. and you might find it helpful to attend more than one antenatal class. Many new parents also find that the sense of community they find there with other new parents helpful.

7) Go for Prenatal Chiropractic Adjustment

This is a personal choice, but you can check it out all the same. Chirozone KL uses the WEBSTER technique from the USA to correct the spinal and pelvic misalignment specifically designed for pregnant mums. Back pain is a common occurrence in pregnant women, but with chiropractic care, you can ease the pain and improve many other conditions related to pregnancy. As it also helps to correct pelvic misalignment, your baby will have more space in the womb, and a better chance to move into the correct position for birth. Pregnant women from the first trimester right up till before labour can visit and get chiropractic care with them.

Chirozone -Prenatal Chiropractic Care.pn
Image Credit: chirozonekl.com

8) Be Kind to Yourself

Last but not least, give yourself a pat on the back. According to one mother, there will be days where absolutely nothing will go according to plan, and it’s during then that you have to tell yourself that it’s okay. Parenting isn’t something that you pick up through reading books or articles, or even by listening to all the advice you can get. It’s something you experience, and each parent and baby will create/have different experiences. When things are difficult, be kind to yourself, and give yourself time to recover from bringing a real, actual human being to the world, and caring for a newborn in the process.

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