Recommendations Archives | Page 98 of 110 | TallyPress

9 Ideal Work-Friendly Cafes To Visit In Klang Valley

These days, visiting a cafe is more than just chilling out with friends or merely enjoying a cup of coffee. There are growing numbers...

12 Amazing Uses You Can Do With WD-40

Every household should at least have a can of WD-40. This well-known spray is particularly useful to lubricate those squeaky door hinges or loosen...

8 Best Supper Spots In Klang Valley To Satisfy Your Hunger Pang

It's no secret that (most) Malaysians love food like no other. Which is why it comes to no surprise that we have plenty of...

8 Best Hidden Bars To Visit In Klang Valley

Forget about the conventional bars. Why not chill over a drink at a speakeasy bar for a change? The kind that isn't visible in...

8 Delicious Pancakes You Should Try In Klang Valley

Pancakes aren't just for breakfast. You can basically have them anytime you want. And best of all, they come in various toppings other than...

7 Best Cameras For Shooting Videos

DSLR, mirrorless, point-and-shoot camera... which one should you look for? Well, that depends on your needs and budget. Here, we have picked 7 different...

10 Best Music Festivals To Visit Around The World

Forget about concerts. If you want to experience the real deal, you should pay a visit to a music festival at least once in...

10 Best Places To Savour Tummy-licious Laksa in Klang Valley

Asam laksa, curry laksa, Nyonya laksa -- you name it, this famous noodles dish can be easily found in Klang Valley alone.  Here, we...

6 Best Places To Warm Up With Hot Chocolate In Klang Valley

Hot chocolate is no doubt a comforting, pick-me-up beverage that warms your belly and pleases your senses. Imagine savouring a cup on a rainy...

7 Drool-Worthy Milo Recipes You Can Try At Home

Everybody knows Milo. This familiar brand is like a national drink for (the most of) us. You can drink it hot or cold, regardless...

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