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Another Malaysian Bottled Water Brand Has Been Found To Have Bacteria

Just recently Malaysian bottled water brand Starfresh was recalled because of bacterial contamination. Now, Malee Mineral Water Sdn Bhd is being recalled for the...

HappyFresh Unveils New Online Grocery Shopping Experience!

HappyFresh has rebranded targeting millennial shoppers with an online grocery experience where the quality of personally handpicked grocery experience will be second to none....

10 Symptoms that Indicate You Lack Protein

There are so many types of diet nowadays, each focusing on different goals and food types. Which isn't a bad idea, since we certainly...

8 Daily Habits To Counter Dementia

Let's face it, we all going to grow old someday. It's the natural process of life whether we like it or not. And one...

8 Home Remedies For Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is one of the most common ailements that happen to all of us. It is typically caused by food poisoning or bacterial infections....

6 Healthy Meals That Are Super Easy to Prepare

Nowadays, being "healthy" is all the rage. It should be, since a healthy body is required for us to function optimally. However, many people...

What You Need To Know About Air Purifiers & Dehumidifiers

Both air purifiers and dehumidifiers' primary purposes are to reduce indoor allergens, which make them worthy of an investment if you happen to be...

10 Food You Can Actually Eat Past The Expiration Date

When we shop for groceries at the supermarket, we would normally check the sell-by dates of the food products before we decide to put...

Know The Differences Between Blenders and Juicers

In today's hectic lifestyle where everything needs to be fast, the idea of eating a whole fruit or munch on  leafy greens/vegetables may sound...

10 Medications You Should Avoid Mixing With Alcohol

Typically, we swallow our medication with a glass of plain water. But mixing medicine with alcohol such as beer, liquor, wine and cocktails is...