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Tag: home improvement

I Literally Watched Paint Dry, but Only Because It’s from Vasari...

You've probably heard of the idiom "watching paint dry", which refers to something as being incredibly boring or tedious, and I totally get it....

Top 10 Hardware Stores in Malacca

From paint to power tools, taps to buckets, hardware stores are most usually the one-stop solution place to be whenever you need items to...

NBS Hardware & Houseware Is Your One-Stop Centre For Household Improvement

Owning a home is no easy task. Besides actually owning a home, you would need plenty of other things to... well, live. These items...

Top 10 Tile Companies in Malaysia

Having well-designed tiles can make a lot of difference to the likes of your home or office floorings, walls or even countertops in terms...

Should You Get A Part-Time Or Full-Time Helper?

With the COVID-19 virus still running rampant and times still uncertain, most people are still working from home. A clean and conducive home environment...