This Could be the Smallest Flat in Hong Kong

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What do you know Hong Kong for? A financial capital, full of high-rise buildings and itty-bitty flats? You’re just about right. As flat/condo units are stacked, they are typically small. But this flat here is really squeezing itself with only 128 square feet! That’s right, this could just be the smallest flat in Hong Kong, and we’re not sure how to… live in it.

Nano Flats

Around 5 years ago, these were all the rage in Hong Kong, prompting a flurry of investments and constructions. Also known as micro-apartments, capsule homes, shoebox flats, or the delightful gnat flats, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that these spaces are small. Actually, scratch that. Small is an understatement. These spaces are typically the size of a shipping container, or a Hong Kong car park space. Lovely, because who wouldn’t want to live in a car park-like box?

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Thinking Into the Box

We’ve all heard of the phrase “think out of the box”, but clearly, it’s the opposite in Hong Kong. Why think out of the box when you can utilise the box? At 128 square feet – and that’s the complete unit – this nano flat is even smaller than a parking lot. *cue claustrophobia* Imagine cooking, eating, sitting, bathing, and doing your business all in the space of less than a parking lot. How? But apparently, this is the norm in Hong Kong as property prices there are absurd, making it impossible to purchase something other than a gnat flat.

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Several Drawbacks

Oh, you mean there are more drawbacks besides the lack of space? Yes. Besides being cooped up in what practically is a jail cell, the cramped space can cause anxiety and depression in the long run. I don’t even need a “long run”, give me an hour tops and I’ll be panicking. The lack of space is enough to feel trapped, and especially if you’re facing a great deal of stress at work, the feeling of being trapped really isn’t going to help at all. However, as aforementioned, most citizens do not have a choice, especially if they want a space of their own. Ironically, with this “own space”, there’s still a lack of privacy, so…

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Even if you currently do not live in a spacious house, bungalow or mansion, be grateful you’re not squatting in a gnat flat. Honestly. *thanking God my room is bigger than a car park at any rate*