Beware Of Fake Himalaya Salt Sports Candy – How To Tell If It’s Fake

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It has recently come to light that there are fake Himalaya salt sports candy being sold. And many of us might not be able to spot the difference so easily. That’s why BIG FOOT Malaysia which is the brand behind the Himalaya candy have released a post about it.

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Firstly, the font that is used for the information at the bottom is different. The words ‘Increase Hydration. Throat Soothing. Fresh Breath’ have a slight difference in appearance.

The genuine candy has a slimmer look while the counterfeit looks like it has been semi-bolded. The words are also slightly not uniform in the counterfeit one.

Also not pointed out in the picture, you can see in the top left corner there is an image of a running person. In the counterfeit candy the image is more obvious.

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Next, look out for the manufacturer on the back of the packet. As seen in the picture, there is no gap between the manufacturer and address on the genuine product.

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Furthermore, the genuine product is easily spotted by the fact that it says ‘Manufacture in Malaysia By’ on the back. Meanwhile, the counterfeit one has ‘Manufacturer in Malaysia By’ which is not even grammatically correct.

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Lastly, you can check out the expire date and lot number on the back of the box. The genuine product will have this information in dark bolded colour. It is also placed closer towards the middle of the white space.

They claim in the picture above that LOT:19C02 does not exist in the company system. But this might not be that helpful in customers distinguishing the counterfeit one. This could be because the counterfeit manufacturer will just starting printing different lot numbers.

We must be careful when buying these candies and make sure what we buy is genuine. Even though it might taste the same, it has not been approved by quality control and who knows what chemicals have been added.