7 Daily Habits To Minimise The Risk Of Stroke

Contrary to popular belief, stroke isn’t just restricted to older people. The truth is, stroke can actually happen at any age even if you are young. Unless it is inherited by the likes of family history and genetic disorders, stroke can be prevented if you learn how to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Below are 7 Daily Habits To Minimise The Risk Of Stroke.

1) Be Physically Active

If you are regularly stuck at a desk all day, it’s time to rethink your priority. A sedentary lifestyle or physical inactivity can be harmful to your health in the long run. Some of the worst-case scenarios include suffering from high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease or stroke. Which is why it’s best to get moving and break a sweat as much as possible. You can start easy by aiming to walk more and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Other sweat-inducing workouts you can do are jogging, cycling or engage in badminton activity. Aim for at least 30 minutes a day or more.

Image Credit: blood-pressure-monitoring.org

2) Break Your Smoking Habit

If you are already a smoker, it’s time to call it quits. And that also goes to those who are thinking of lighting their first cigarette. It goes without saying that smoking is bad for your health. It can increase your blood pressure and according to the UK’s Stroke Association, those “who smoke 20 cigarettes a day [tends to develop] six times more likely to have a stroke compared to a non-smoker”. Get this: tobacco smoke has over 7,000 toxic chemicals such as carbon monoxide and arsenic. Whenever you take a puff of a cigarette, these chemicals travel from your lungs and reach into your bloodstream. Not only you are putting your lungs at risk in the long run but also causes your blood to thicken and narrowing the arteries. This, in turn, restricts oxygen in the blood and increase the risk of stroke.

Image Credit: mianfarhan.blogspot.com

3) Maintain A Healthy Diet

What you eat on a daily basis does play an important role in reducing the risk of having a stroke. Some of the recommended foods you should incorporate in your daily diet include leafy greens, dark chocolate, citrus fruits (e.g. orange, lemon), green tea and whole grains.

Image Credit: cbchealth.ch

4) Cut Down On Salty Snacks

Can’t live a day without munching on potato chips while watching movies at home? They are no doubt addictive and delicious. But these chips are unhealthy since it can increase your blood pressure and even causing blood clots, which can potentially lead to a stroke in the long run.

Image Credit: mnn.com

5) Mind Your Alcohol Consumption

Moderation is always the key when comes to consuming alcohol. It doesn’t matter whether you are drinking a glass of wine, beer or even a cocktail. And if you must drink, make it a habit to stick to one glass. Or better yet, refrain yourself from reaching out to these alcoholic beverages in the first place.

Image Credit: fenradio.co.uk

6) Lose Weight

If you are overweight, you may be at risk of having a stroke at some point in your life. According to Harvard Health Publishing, if your BMI (body mass index) hits above 25, you fall under the “Overweight” category while 30 and above means you are obese. Instead, the ideal BMI you need to hit is between 18.5 and 24.9 if you are an adult. But whatever you do, it is best to consult your doctor beforehand for an ideal weight loss strategy.

Image Credit: verywellhealth.com

7) Manage Your Stress Level

Too stressed at work due to impossible deadlines? Or perhaps are you prone to temperamental behaviour? Believe it or not, these aforementioned type of stress can potentially cause a stroke. Your chance of getting a stroke is even higher if you live with chronic and long-term stress. Here’s why: stress can cause high blood pressure, which in turn, lead to other health risks like diabetes and atherosclerosis — a type of coronary artery disease which is related to plaque build-up in the arteries. Find ways to cope with your daily stress such as hanging out with your best friend(s) or take part in a yoga session.

Image Credit: scmp.com