15 Things You Shouldn’t Flush Down The Toilet

15 Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet

The toilet that you have at home is basically meant for three things: peeing, pooping, and toilet paper. Just because it has a flushing system doesn’t mean you can flush anything you want. So, to avoid clogging, here are the 15 Things You Shouldn’t Flush Down The Toilet.

1) Baby Wipes

Here’s the thing about flushing baby wipes down the toilet: They do not disintegrate as regular toilet paper does. As a result, they can clog up or potentially damage your home plumbing system. Even if the baby wipes that you bought claim to be “flushable”, it’s best not to flush them anyway. Do yourself a favour and discard used baby wipes in a wastebasket instead.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Baby Wipes
Image Credit: superterry.com

2) Bandages / Plasters

Whether you use cloth bandages or the adhesive plaster, tossing either of them in the toilet is a big mistake. Besides, some of them are made from non-biodegradable plastic and can cause clogging issues. So, each time you want to discard the bandage or plaster after use, the wastebasket is more than happy to accept them.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Bandages
Image Credit: engadget.com

3) Cat Litter

You must be thinking if you can flush the faeces, why not cat litter too? Unfortunately, flushing cat litter can cause clogging issues. The same also goes with some of the cat litter brands that claim to be “flushable”. Just discard the cat litter like you normally do: scoop it out of the box and seal tightly in a bag before tossing it in the trash.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Cat Litter
Image Credit: frontpagemeews.com

4) Chewing Gum

Chewing gum are sticky and yes, they don’t break down in the water as well. Which means flushing them would end up with them being stuck at the inner parts of the toilet and pipes.

A guy chewing a bunch of gums
Image Credit: tenor.com

To avoid clogging the toilet, always wrap the used chewing gum in a (tissue) paper and toss it in the bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Chewing Gums
Image Credit: decisionsindentistry.com

5) Cigarette Butts

The unpleasant sight of cigarette butts floating in the toilet bowl is commonly seen in (most) public washrooms. Even if you try to flush them down, they probably refuse to go down the drain anyway. Other than that, cigarettes are part of the waste items that contain harmful toxins and chemicals. So, the next time you’re done smoking, toss the cigarette butt in the bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Cigarette Butts
Image Credit: balkandraincleaning.com

6) Condom

C’mon! Flushing a used condom down the toilet? That’s disgusting and not to mention the rubber does not break down in the water. In other words, clogging can happen. Here’s what you should do instead: Toss it in the bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Condom
Image Credit: medicalnewstoday.com

7) Contact Lenses

Flushing used contact lenses down the toilet is not advisable. Here’s why: According to ABC News, these contact lenses would “interact with wastewater treatment plants”, which in turn, contributes to the forming of microplastics. And yes, they can pose a threat to the environment.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Contact Lenses
Image Credit: blog.despatch.com

8) Cotton Swabs

Each time you are done using the cotton swab, you should be tossing it in the bin.

Using cotton swab
Image Credit: gfycat.com

Definitely not the toilet bowl since it does not dissolve in the water, only to end up with clogging issues. The same also goes with cotton balls and cotton pads. Toss them in the bin instead.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Cotton Swab
Image Credit: euronews.com

9) Dental Floss

The thing about dental floss is that it is made of nylon or Teflon. Neither of them is biodegradable. Dental floss does not break down in the water too and can clog up your toilet in the long run. So, after you use the dental floss, toss it in the bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Dental Floss
Image Credit: businessinsider.com

10) Diapers

The thought of flushing used diapers down the toilet does sound like it’s a silly thing to do. But guess what, there are still irresponsible people who couldn’t care less anyway. The thing is, diapers absorb water and they do not break down in the water. And worst, they can clog your toilet. Dispose of them properly in a diaper pail or at least, a separate waste bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Diapers
Image Credit: goodhousekeeping.com

11) Fish

So, you have a dead goldfish in your aquarium. Don’t flush it down the toilet since fish do not break down in the water.

Shocking cat
Image Credit: imgur.com

Apart from causing a clog in your toilet, don’t you think it’s rather inhumane as well? At least give your pet fish a proper burial.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Fish
Image Credit: thesprucepets.com

12) Hair

Just like hair would clog the bathroom sink and drain, the same also happens if you flush them down the toilet. The more you attempt to flush them, the higher chances it would form a clump and lead to build-up in the pipes.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Hair
Image Credit: acehomeaz.com

13) Medication

Ever saw a scene from a movie or TV series where someone would get rid of the pills and flush them down the toilet? If you are thinking it’s okay for you to do so, it’s not. Never flush medication since they can be hazardous and contaminate the wastewater. If you want to discard the old or expired pills, leave them in a bag and toss them in the bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Medication
Image Credit: aquasana.com

14) Paper Towels

Paper towels aren’t the same as toilet paper. Which means they do not flush as smoothly and easily as the latter. The reason? Paper towels are primarily designed to absorb water, which in turn, do not break down in the water. To prevent clogging, always dispose of paper towels in the bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Paper Towels
Image Credit: tomsguide.com

15) Tampons

Tampons or any kinds of menstrual products like sanitary pads aren’t meant to be flushed down the toilet. They absorb liquid and since some of them can expand, they would end up clogging and blocking the pipes. Your best solution? Waste bin.

Things You Shouldn't Flush Down The Toilet: Tampon
Image Credit: aliveholistichealth.ca