10 Benefits Of Brisk Walking

You’ve probably heard of the term brisk walking before, but why is brisk walking better than just walking? Also, how brisk do you have to be for it to be considered brisk walking? Brisk walking is actually considered a moderate-intensity exercise, and the “briskness” depends on the fitness level on each individual. As a general guideline, many experts consider brisk walking to be 100 steps per minute. To get you started, check out these benefits of brisk walking!

1) Prevents Breast Problems

If you brisk walk for more than seven hours a week, it can help prevent breast hyperplasia in particular. Furthermore, brisk walking also reduces the risk of breast cancer by 20%. Start walking today!

Image Credit: healthtips360.com

2) Relieves Stress & Helps With Sleep

Brisk walking helps regulate the nervous system, allowing for better communication between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves. In result, this helps with better stress relief, and will help you get a good night’s sleep!

Image Credit: nps.org.au

3) Prevents Fatty Liver

Research shows that frequent walkers have better blood circulation. With better blood circulation, blood is able to flow right to the ends of even the smallest blood vessels in the liver, which helps with the liver’s metabolism rate.

Image Credit: health.harvard.edu

4) Prevents Osteoporosis

Not only is calcium intake crucial in preventing osteoporosis, but exercising is a must as well. What better way to exercise than brisk walking? Got to get those bones healthy and in working condition!

Image Credit: devotedguardians.com

5) Helps With Body Aches & Posture

When you brisk walk, your body is naturally in an upright position. Your head is held up, your chest and back is open, and your body parts co-ordinate to help you walk. As a result, your back is straightened, and this helps you minimise body aches, and improve your posture.

Image Credit: verywellfit.com

6) Prevents Diabetes

According to the American Health Care Association, brisk walking for an hour daily can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by as much as 50%. Great benefit for an easy workout!

Image Credit: henryford.com

7) Prevents Arteriosclerosis

Arteriosclerosis is the thickening and hardening of artery walls, and brisk walking can help prevent this from happening. You see, brisk walking helps burn away the neutral fat in your body, and we all know fat is the culprit of many health problems, including blockage of arteries.

Image Credit: apollosugar.com

8) Prevents Dementia

As brisk walking isn’t in any way extreme, senior citizens can do it too. If you are over 60 and brisk walk thrice a week for 45 minutes each time, it can help with your cognitive functions. Killing two birds with one stone here!

Image Credit: clahrc-peninsula.nihr.ac.uk

9) Prevents Arthritis & Helps With Leg Strength

Brisk walking is easy on the joints, but that doesn’t mean the joints don’t get a good workout! In fact, because it’s easy on the joints, almost anyone can do it, and it helps with maintaining muscle strength in the leg. The more you walk, the more you can walk!

Image Credit: creakyjoints.org

10) Prevents Heart Diseases

Brisk walking can turn into a cardiovascular exercise, and this will help with a healthy heart. A brisk walk of 30 minutes everyday will definitely help with improving heart and lung functions, so make sure you get started today!

Image Credit: hindustantimes.com

Article sourced from OMGloh.