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Be inspired by interesting stories of notable talent and businesses in Malaysia and Singapore

The Story of Jared Lee and Grim Film

If you do not already know Grim Film, at some point you would have come across this guy with long(er) hair who never fails...

Adrian Lau and Ria are The Ambassadors 2016 of INTI University!

Adrian Lau Chuan Ming, 20, and Ria Andani Nasution, 19, were named The Male and Female Ambassadors of INTI International University at 'THE AMBASSADOR 2016'. The...

We Enjoyed An At-Home Magic Show, Courtesy of Andrew Lee!

Look, y'all. We know things aren't the best right now, and we feel you. But we're not here to remind you of that. We're...

Gatvel.com – Everything Your Travel Needs

Travelling has become, for many people, a race to gain international exposure or experiences via visiting various destinations. By making travelling our short term...

Kedai Koolcats Brings Classy Cattitude To Your Handmade Bags

Sure, getting ready-made, ready-to-buy products are convenient and fuss-free, but you also risk owning the same thing as several other people. It can also...

Lovebirds.my Are Here To Capture Your Moments

It is undeniable that memories fade with time. However, it is also true that reminiscing about the good old times always manages to keep...

You Have Your Love Story – Now Sit Back And Watch Magic Happen

Two souls being able to find their other half among a population of 7 billion sounds is an amazing journey by itself through its...

Eat & Chew Your Way To Sustainability At Chiu’s

There are plenty of F&B establishments all around the world, and of course, right here in Malaysia alone. From small roadside stalls to grand,...

Emcee Wayne Chew Keeps The Atmosphere Lively

Large social events can be exciting but we need to be aware that they take a lot of planning. Therefore, it is important that...

Cynderella Wants You to Look and Feel Good on Every Occassion

"There are no ugly women, only lazy women" is a phrase we hear every so often. We all have seen and felt the impact...

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